How to draw an elephant

Draw an Elephant


Draw this shape, it will be the head

Draw this shape, it will be the head

Make a trunk

Make a trunk

And a neck

And a neck

Add a back

Add a back

Make the butt and the stomach, and start adding the legs

Make the butt and the stomach, and start adding the legs

Finish the rest of the legs

Finish the rest of the legs

Add the eye with a little 8 inside

Add the eye with a little 8 inside

Add an ear( I had to fix this later)

Add an ear( I had to fix this later)

Add the tail with fringe

Add the tail with fringe

I had to fix the eat

I had to fix the eat

Make a blanket

Make a blanket

Add lines like This

Add lines like This

Add fringe to the lines, color and out line, and that's all!

  • Pencil
  • Black marker
  • Markers crayons or colored pencils