How to draw a stuffed animal

Draw a Stuffed Animal


Gather supplies.

Gather supplies.

Pick any stuffed animal you have.

Pick any stuffed animal you have.

Position the animal in any way you like to get ready to draw.

Have your pencil and paper in a place where you can easily see the object.

Have your pencil and paper in a place where you can easily see the object.

Start by drawing the simple shapes. Make sure you draw them lightly.

Make sure you keep looking at the object.

Make sure you keep looking at the object.

Once the beginning shapes are blocked in, start to add more of the details. Also try to get things more proportional.

Try to get some of the actual shape down.

Try to get some of the actual shape down.

Work all over the paper, not just in one place.

Work all over the paper, not just in one place.

Once you have the overall shape and some details, go back and put in the little details of the object.

Start off lightly...

Start off lightly...

And gradually get darker.

And gradually get darker.

Then erase any unwanted sketchy lines.

Then erase any unwanted sketchy lines.

Then you should be done. Hooray!

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Stuffed animal