How to draw a solar system

Draw a Solar System


Draw the sun on the left hand side of the drawing paper (don't forget to draw it big), also color it yellow/orange.

Draw the sun on the left hand side of the drawing paper (don't forget to draw it big), also color it yellow/orange.

Next draw Mercury, also draw some craters on Mercury and color it brown to show the craters.

Next draw Mercury, also draw some craters on Mercury and color it brown to show the craters.

Then draw Venus, and color it orange.

Draw our most favorite planet the Earth, next to Venus and color it blue and green to show life.

Draw our most favorite planet the Earth, next to Venus and color it blue and green to show life.

Then draw Mars next to Earth. (Remember it has to be the same size as Earth). Also, color it brown/yellow.

Then draw Mars next to Earth. (Remember it has to be the same size as Earth). Also, color it brown/yellow.

Next, you draw the asteroid belt with large rocks.

Draw Jupiter (It's the biggest planet), make a small ring of rock around Jupiter and color it red/black.

Then draw Saturn and put a huge ring of color on it, color Saturn yellow/brown/red.

Then draw Saturn and put a huge ring of color on it, color Saturn yellow/brown/red.

Next draw Uranus and put a ring around it sideways. Then, color it dark blue.

Next draw Uranus and put a ring around it sideways. Then, color it dark blue.

Then draw the planet Neptune, and color it light blue to show the difference from Uranus.

Then draw the planet Neptune, and color it light blue to show the difference from Uranus.

Then draw Pluto the last planet (dwarf planet and the smallest planet) and color it black.

Then draw Pluto the last planet (dwarf planet and the smallest planet) and color it black.

Now if you wanna get fancy and bring the solar system to life, then you can add stars, and meteoroids out in space.

Then you can put moons on the planets (Only if your not feeling lazy). Hint: Mercury and Venus doesn't have a moon.

Then you can put moons on the planets (Only if your not feeling lazy). Hint: Mercury and Venus doesn't have a moon.

  • Pencil
  • Sheet of drawing paper
  • Color pencils