How to draw a snapchat filter!

Draw a Snapchat Filter!


Hi! I am going to teach you how to draw this Snapchat filter so this is what mine turned out like!

Hi! I am going to teach you how to draw this Snapchat filter so this is what mine turned out like!

Gather equipment .

Gather equipment .

Draw a lip shape with a space at the bottom.

Draw a lip shape with a space at the bottom.

Draw wavy lines going down from where the lines space.

Draw wavy lines going down from where the lines space.

Draw more wavy lines like so.

Draw more wavy lines like so.

Connect at the bottom, it looks like a piece of bacon!

Connect at the bottom, it looks like a piece of bacon!

Draw an inside lip shape.

Draw an inside lip shape.

Draw some teeth at the top.

Draw some teeth at the top.

Connect the top.

Connect the top.

Outline in sharpie.

Outline in sharpie.

Colour the lips pink or red, depending what colour you want I think pink makes it pop!

Colour the lips pink or red, depending what colour you want I think pink makes it pop!

Colour the first section of the rainbow dark blue.

Colour the first section of the rainbow dark blue.

The next green.

The next green.

Then yellow.

Then yellow.

Purple is the last one.

Purple is the last one.

Optional - Colour the tongue in a red pencil.

Optional - Colour the tongue in a red pencil.

Your done! Doesn't it look cool?

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