How to draw a semi- realistic face

Draw a Semi- Realistic Face


Start by drawing a circle

Start by drawing a circle

Draw lines where you want the eyes, nose, and mouth. Also make a line down the middle. Remember to draw lightly!

Draw lines where you want the eyes, nose, and mouth. Also make a line down the middle. Remember to draw lightly!

Draw two circles for the eyes

Draw two circles for the eyes

Make an L-shape in the inside of them and a dot on the outside as pictured

Make an L-shape in the inside of them and a dot on the outside as pictured

Add a line at the top and the bottom of each eye, like so

Add a line at the top and the bottom of each eye, like so

Erase the circles

Erase the circles

Go over the outline putting more pressure on your pencil

Go over the outline putting more pressure on your pencil

Add to skin in the corner of the eye

Add to skin in the corner of the eye

Add irises and pupils

Add irises and pupils

Make two diagonal lines on eye to show where it to put the eyebrows

Make two diagonal lines on eye to show where it to put the eyebrows

Add Eyebrows as shown

Add Eyebrows as shown

Erase lines

Erase lines

Add Crease above eye

Add Crease above eye

Fill in pupil

Fill in pupil

Start the iris as shown

Start the iris as shown

Fill in Eye

Fill in Eye

Add eyelashes

Add eyelashes

Make two parentheses looking lines for start of nose

Make two parentheses looking lines for start of nose

Draw curved line for bottom of nose

Draw curved line for bottom of nose

Fill in nostrils

Fill in nostrils

Add sides of nose

Add sides of nose

Make the little thingy below your nose(what is it called? And sorry for bad picture!)

Make the little thingy below your nose(what is it called? And sorry for bad picture!)

Make "V" as shown

Make "V" as shown

Draw top of lip

Draw top of lip

Draw the bottom of the lip

Draw the bottom of the lip

Add corners

Add corners

Make "U" shape in the middle

Make "U" shape in the middle

Fill in lines

Fill in lines

Erase unwanted outer lines

Erase unwanted outer lines

Make jawbones- draw whatever looks best for your person, it's yours now!

Make jawbones- draw whatever looks best for your person, it's yours now!

Continue jawbone

Continue jawbone

Start The sides of the face, again, make it however you think looks best with your face you drew!

Start The sides of the face, again, make it however you think looks best with your face you drew!

Finish with chin- I also touched up the mouth

Finish with chin- I also touched up the mouth

Add the ears- they should be right below the eyes

Add the ears- they should be right below the eyes

Draw earlobes

Draw earlobes

Next is the hair. you can do this however you want, but I decided to do bangs because that's what looked best with my face

Next is the hair. you can do this however you want, but I decided to do bangs because that's what looked best with my face

Add the top of the hairline

Add the top of the hairline

Round behind ears

Round behind ears

Finish with the bottom of the hair \u2013 you can make it long or short

Finish with the bottom of the hair – you can make it long or short

If you're doing bangs, add lines as pictured above bangs. Also, finish the hairline.

If you're doing bangs, add lines as pictured above bangs. Also, finish the hairline.

This next step is optional, but you can make your hair dark or light, I chose to make it dark

This next step is optional, but you can make your hair dark or light, I chose to make it dark

Add ear details

Add ear details

Draw neck, and you're done!

Draw neck, and you're done!

Happy drawing!!

  • 1.0 Pencil
  • 1.0 Paper
  • 1.0 Eraser
  • 1.0 Finger