So this was the image I chose of her. Princess Jolie lying in between a pair of legs..
Do rough outlines of the image, it doesn't have to look nice at this stage, main idea here is to get a rough idea of the main elements and a sense of composition. Only proceed when your satisfied.
Fill in your colors starting from the lightest color to the darkest. Always separate your colors in LAYERS in photoshop. It helps in making changes easily without having to pull your hair out.
Once you get your main colors in, it's time to fill in the details. Eyes are always the most important part of a portrait. And in this case, the fur is what makes the texture come to live too.
Now to fill up the background color of the bed sheet to make the picture complete. Add more details to the eyes, whiskers, nails, ear veins and more fur (lines drawn strand by strand).
Some shading on the blanket and cat, and abracadabra!! Always end off your work proudly with your signature & date. Hope you like it 😉
- 1.0 Intuos tablet
- 1.0 Your fav image of a Putty Cat
- Free time
Singapore, Singapore
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