How to draw a picture out of a scribble

How to make a great drawing out of a random scribble


Take your pencil and paper

Take your pencil and paper

Close your eyes

Close your eyes

Draw a scribble without looking

Draw a scribble without looking

Look for parts that could be turned into body parts and draw them on

Look for parts that could be turned into body parts and draw them on

Rub out or replace all unneeded lines.

Rub out or replace all unneeded lines.

Go over in texta

Go over in texta

Rub out all remaining lead lines.

Rub out all remaining lead lines.

Add detail

Add detail

Add colour and admire your masterpiece, in my case; an evil ninja bunny doing a flying kick.

  • Pencil
  • Texta
  • Paper
  • Sharpener (possibly)
  • Rubber