How to draw a nail polish bottle and colour it in

Draw a Nail Polish Bottle and Colour It In


Gather your supplies.

Gather your supplies.

Start off by drawing a square to the size of your liking.

Start off by drawing a square to the size of your liking.

Draw a thin rectangle on top.

Draw a thin rectangle on top.

Draw a rectangle or square inside the big square.

Draw a rectangle or square inside the big square.

Write the brand name, colour you want to colour it in or both inside the small square or rectangle. I wrote the colour I want Rosy Pink.

Write the brand name, colour you want to colour it in or both inside the small square or rectangle. I wrote the colour I want Rosy Pink.

Grab a black pencil and the colour you want your nail polish to be.

Grab a black pencil and the colour you want your nail polish to be.

Colour the thin rectangle at the top black.

Colour the thin rectangle at the top black.

Colour the bit around that small label you did using the colour you want your nail polish to be.

Colour the bit around that small label you did using the colour you want your nail polish to be.

Choose another colour to colour your label or you can keep it white.

Choose another colour to colour your label or you can keep it white.

For your label to stand out go over it in black.

For your label to stand out go over it in black.

For an effect I go over the final product oh white. You do t have to do it it's up to you.

For an effect I go over the final product oh white. You do t have to do it it's up to you.

Here is my final product hope you enjoyed.

  • 1.0 Paper
  • Lead pencil
  • Coloured pencils