How to draw a mario mushroom

Draw a Mario Mushroom


In the middle of the page draw a wide U shape with rounded corners.

In the middle of the page draw a wide U shape with rounded corners.

Now draw a curved line that goes 1 centre-meter over the U shape

Now draw a curved line that goes 1 centre-meter over the U shape

Draw some ovals on the inside of the U shape but ovals have to be near the edge.

Draw some ovals on the inside of the U shape but ovals have to be near the edge.

Inside the oval at the top draw two circles that take up the top.

Inside the oval at the top draw two circles that take up the top.

Now colour in the eye but leave the circle that you just drew white.

Now colour in the eye but leave the circle that you just drew white.

Draw a circle that connects to the other side of the U shape.

Draw a circle that connects to the other side of the U shape.

Now draw a circle in the very middle of the circle you just drew.

Now draw a circle in the very middle of the circle you just drew.

Draw a backwards c that connects to the left side of the circle and draw a c that connects to the right side of the circle.

Draw a backwards c that connects to the left side of the circle and draw a c that connects to the right side of the circle.

Finally colour the circle in red.

  • 1.0 Paper
  • 1.0 Black marker
  • 1.0 Red marker or pencil