How to draw a kitten by m19

Draw a Kitten by M19


First gather all your materials a pencil and a pice of paper.

First gather all your materials a pencil and a pice of paper.

Secondly, draw an oval and two triangles on top of the oval.

Secondly, draw an oval and two triangles on top of the oval.

Third, you draw a curved line from the left side of the oval and make a spiral when you end it.

Third, you draw a curved line from the left side of the oval and make a spiral when you end it.

Forth,draw a curved line 2 centimetres inwards an connect it to the spiral and make three little lines on the paw.

Forth,draw a curved line 2 centimetres inwards an connect it to the spiral and make three little lines on the paw.

Then draw a smile, a nose with whiskers and eyes.

Then draw a smile, a nose with whiskers and eyes.

After, draw a tail anyway you want.

After, draw a tail anyway you want.

Finally, add any details like a bowl or a text bubble.

Finally, add any details like a bowl or a text bubble.

If you want to you can colour it!

If you want to you can colour it!

  • 1.0 A Pencil
  • 1.0 Pice of paper
  • Pencil crayons