How to draw a house with one pen line & no crossing over!

A cool trick to show your friends & family!


First draw a house the quickest way and ask your friend to try drawing it in one go without crossing lines or taking the pen off the paper. Give them a few attempts! Tell them it IS possible!

First draw a house the quickest way and ask your friend to try drawing it in one go without crossing lines or taking the pen off the paper. Give them a few attempts! Tell them it IS possible!

Start with the pen bottom right as shown to draw the bottom arch.

Start with the pen bottom right as shown to draw the bottom arch.

Go up, then partway down then up.

Go up, then partway down then up.

Go left then diagonally up to the right as shown.

Go left then diagonally up to the right as shown.

Then down, down & across. You are done!

Then down, down & across. You are done!

  • 1.0 Pen
  • 1.0 Paper
  • 1.0 Free draw app for iPhone or android