How to draw a hallway in 1-point perspective, part 1

Draw a Hallway in 1-Point Perspective, Part 1


create a 1" border on your paper. Create your back wall, this should be a small rectangle or square. The back wall should be fairly high on your picture plane.

create a 1" border on your paper. Create your back wall, this should be a small rectangle or square. The back wall should be fairly high on your picture plane.

Add in your horizon line. This is your eye level so if you are sitting it will be towards the bottom of the back wall box. You need your horizon line to find your vanishing point.

Add in your horizon line. This is your eye level so if you are sitting it will be towards the bottom of the back wall box. You need your horizon line to find your vanishing point.

Your Vanish Point will be found on your horizon line, inside your back wall box. Position your V.P. based on where you are sitting in the hallway, in this case you would be sitting on the right side.

Your Vanish Point will be found on your horizon line, inside your back wall box. Position your V.P. based on where you are sitting in the hallway, in this case you would be sitting on the right side.

closer look.

closer look.

To find the corners of your hallway you need to line your V.P. wit the corners of the box. DO NOT LINE THEM UP WITH THE CORNER OF THE PAPER!!

To find the corners of your hallway you need to line your V.P. wit the corners of the box. DO NOT LINE THEM UP WITH THE CORNER OF THE PAPER!!

V.P. to bottom right corner.

V.P. to bottom right corner.

draw the line until you reach your border.

draw the line until you reach your border.

Do this for all four corners.

Do this for all four corners.

Erase your connecting lines.

  • Paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil