To get things started make a circle with a slight a point at the bottom, straight edges and a round top, like so.
Now for the face, create two n shapes towards the end of the face, the n shapes are wide and skinny.
Make a bottom to the top of the n.
Draw a nose and lips, think of the nose as a v and the lips as an m with a curve under neath it.
Add some mascara!
And add the eyes and then the pupils.
Shade in the nose, like so and make a small shading right below it.
Shade on the top of the lips to make "depth".
Add some eyelashes, a few on the top, bottom, and side.
Make a line to adjust where the eye brows would go.
Next, make them fuzzy.
Don't forget, you can edit the face any time, I fixed the chin a little, go back and you can see.
Next add some more depth on to the face by making an indent of shading by the eyes.
Add a spot where you want to make the hair come out from.
But don't forget the body, make some shoulders like so.
And now make the arms, remember not to make the body to small, or her head will look huge!
Start adding "hair placers" (where you want the hair to be).
Add some more.
Alright, done. And again I fixed the jaw line.
Now, make some shading. Put it where shading would normally go?
Now for the hair technique, start at the root and make lines going to a large point.
On the pointing out parts of the hair make less of the lines to create a shiny texture to it.
Keep doing that until you have finished.
Also, make it consist to the hair by bending the lines for a 3d look.
So once you have finished, darken the lines to make them show.
And your done... Or are you?
Add a body! Why not? Make her body curved like so.
Put an end to the shirt and add more length to the arms. If you can make hands... (Which I can't) go ahead and make her holding something, if not, put them behind her back.
Add a line going down the middle of her body, to have a good judgment about where her legs should go, and make them go into the line to create a (thigh)
Make them come back out to make the rest of the legs.
Add some shading, because she is wearing clothing, and make some pockets.
Don't forget the stitching.
And Finnish the bottom of the hair!
Add a logo, for me I made Texas ATM's logo.
And your done!
- Paper
- Pencil
- Your mind
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