How to draw a door with wood texture

Draw a Door With Wood Texture


Start by drawing the handle

Start by drawing the handle

Now draw the door shape around the handle (I used a ruler to get the strait lines)

Now draw the door shape around the handle (I used a ruler to get the strait lines)

Now draw a small circle and some vertical lines down around it

Now draw a small circle and some vertical lines down around it

Keep drawing the lines down and add some more circles and lines other places

Keep drawing the lines down and add some more circles and lines other places

Now just keep filling in the door

Now just keep filling in the door

Experiment with the placement of your circles

This is the door filled in

This is the door filled in

Now I added some detail to the handle and added hinges

Now I added some detail to the handle and added hinges

That's all there is to it!!!

  • Paper
  • Micron pen or fine-tip sharpie