How to draw a cute puppy

Draw a Cute Puppy


Draw a largish circle with two floppy ears.

Draw a largish circle with two floppy ears.

Draw two smaller circles inside the bigger circle. These will be its eyes.

Draw two smaller circles inside the bigger circle. These will be its eyes.

Draw a skinny oval on its side underneath the eyes. This will be the nose.

Draw a skinny oval on its side underneath the eyes. This will be the nose.

Draw an upside down 'Y' connected to the nose. This is the mouth.

Draw an upside down 'Y' connected to the nose. This is the mouth.

Draw three smaller circles inside the eyes. This adds extra cuteness.

Draw three smaller circles inside the eyes. This adds extra cuteness.

Colour in the eyes but not the smaller circles. Then, viola! Your puppy is done. Give him a bone if you want too.

  • Paper
  • Pen