How to draw a cartoon dog

Draw a Cartoon Dog


Let's start with a few basic shapes, imagine the eyes as eggs, and the nose as a squished oval!

Let's start with a few basic shapes, imagine the eyes as eggs, and the nose as a squished oval!

Add a few details...

Add a few details...

Sketch out a shape for the head

Sketch out a shape for the head

More details! Draw a small line at the base of the nose downwards, slightly like an upside down Y

More details! Draw a small line at the base of the nose downwards, slightly like an upside down Y

Two triangular shapes for the ears, feel free to make those ears what ever shape you want if you're feeling adventurous!

Two triangular shapes for the ears, feel free to make those ears what ever shape you want if you're feeling adventurous!

The drawing can be stopped at step 5, but I added some more detail to mine. Don't forget to sign your drawing!

The drawing can be stopped at step 5, but I added some more detail to mine. Don't forget to sign your drawing!

Clean up any rough lines with an eraser and add any more details you would like. Have fun drawing!

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser