First, practice connecting the corners of the shapes to the vanishing point using a ruler.
It will look like this.
Continue to add more shapes and connect those corners to the vanishing point as well.
Next, draw the lines at the bottom of the "buildings." The lines should be parallel to the lines at the top.
Next get a 12"x12" paper and draw shapes around the vanishing point. These shapes will be the buildings in your city. Get creative and think of interesting shapes you could draw for your buildings.
Connect those corners to the vanishing point.
Now draw the lines at the bottom of your buildings. Buildings that are close to the vanishing point should end closer to the vanishing point. Buildings that are further away should end further away.
Then have fun adding windows, roads, tops of trees and details to the top of your buildings! Finish your drawing by outlining it with sharpie.
- 1.0 12"x18" White Drawing Paper
- 1.0 Pencil
- 1.0 Extra Fine Sharpie
- 1.0 Ruler
- 1 Practice Sheet
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