How to draw a 3-d shape

Draw a 3-D Shape


Here are your supplies. A piece of paper and a pencil.

Here are your supplies. A piece of paper and a pencil.

You can use a square, triangle, or a rectangle.

You can use a square, triangle, or a rectangle.

Add the same shape that you were using. Draw it in kind of a right angle.

Add the same shape that you were using. Draw it in kind of a right angle.

Then, draw a line from your first shape's bottom left hand cornering connect it to the bottom left hand corner of your second shape.

Then, draw a line from your first shape's bottom left hand cornering connect it to the bottom left hand corner of your second shape.

Then with the square and the rectangle, top left hand corner to top left hand corner. With the triangle you just connect the two top points and your done!

Then with the square and the rectangle, top left hand corner to top left hand corner. With the triangle you just connect the two top points and your done!

Connect the two top right corners on the square and the rectangle.

Connect the two top right corners on the square and the rectangle.

Then connect the two bottom right hand corners.

Then connect the two bottom right hand corners.

Here's your final project!

  • 1.0 Piece of paper of a note card
  • 1.0 Pencil (wooden or mechanical it doesn't matter)