Take your deck of cards and have a spectator pick a card.
While they look at their card get a pinky break on top of the bottom card.
Cut about half of the deck off while keeping your pinky break.
Have the spectator put their card on the pile without the pinky break. (Their card won't be face up)
Put the deck with the pinky break on top while keeping the break.
Put your pinky back in and start cutting cards off of the top.
Continue cutting the cards until your pinky is on top.
Once you get to your pinky put the rest of the cards on top.
Show that their card is not on the top or the bottom. (Their card is second from the top)
Get a pinky break on top of the bottom two cards.
Say that you are going to show them three cards and you want them to say that's it for each of the cards.
Swing cut the top half of the cards off while keeping the pinky break.
Show the first card from the pile without the pinky break, when they say "that's it", say that you don't believe them. Then put that card on the table face down.
Do the same thing with the second card, but before you put it on the table put the two cards from the pinky break on top of it. Now you put the new top card on the table.
Then show the next card and put it on the table saying you don't believe them.
Now take the packet on the left and put it on top of the packet on the right.
Now pick up two cards, but make it look like one. This is called a double lift.
Say I think this is your card. Then flip the two cards back over and set the top card in a different spot on the table.
Put the rest of the cards down, now pick up the three cards one by one saying you don't think that it's their card. (Pick up the middle one last)
Say that you think the card away from the rest is their card.
- A normal deck of playing cards
- A surface to use
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