How to do pirouettes and grand pirouettes

Do Pirouettes and Grand Pirouettes


Start off by doing 20 crunches or ab excersizes. Abs are very important in turning.

Start off by doing 20 crunches or ab excersizes. Abs are very important in turning.

Now decide if you are going to turn in (top) or turn out (bottom) turning out is easier. Make sure the top of your thigh is as flat as a table top and that your toe touches your knee.

Now decide if you are going to turn in (top) or turn out (bottom) turning out is easier. Make sure the top of your thigh is as flat as a table top and that your toe touches your knee.

When you are turning you will want to be on the highest part of your foot and lifting up (relev\u00e9) (like someone is pulling your ponytail up) to practice relev\u00e9 take a pop can and pop your heel up.

When you are turning you will want to be on the highest part of your foot and lifting up (relevé) (like someone is pulling your ponytail up) to practice relevé take a pop can and pop your heel up.

Now decide on your arms. You can put them on your hips or In between your rib cage and belly button (1st position). Make sure you press your shoulders down and your arms sturdy.

Now decide on your arms. You can put them on your hips or In between your rib cage and belly button (1st position). Make sure you press your shoulders down and your arms sturdy.

You can land your turns with your arm above your head or with it at shoulder height. If you don't end the turn it won't look clean or complete.

You can land your turns with your arm above your head or with it at shoulder height. If you don't end the turn it won't look clean or complete.

Now we will practice the leg motion. Start by holding onto something. Hold position for 5 seconds. When your leg is to the corner bend your knee and when your leg is to the side of you go into relev\u00e9.

Now we will practice the leg motion. Start by holding onto something. Hold position for 5 seconds. When your leg is to the corner bend your knee and when your leg is to the side of you go into relevé.

Now do the leg movements with the arms. Your arms will be in 1st position when your toe is in the corner and in 2nd (arms straight out to side of you) when you are in relev\u00e9 and your leg is out.

Now do the leg movements with the arms. Your arms will be in 1st position when your toe is in the corner and in 2nd (arms straight out to side of you) when you are in relevé and your leg is out.

  • 1.0 Shoe or sock
  • A hard floor
  • Bar or something to hold onto
  • 1.0 Can of pop