How to do morning yoga

Do Morning Yoga


Begin with the Child's Pose or Balasana. From a kneeling position, bring your chest down onto your thighs and your forehead to the floor.

Begin with the Child's Pose or Balasana. From a kneeling position, bring your chest down onto your thighs and your forehead to the floor.

The next pose is the Cat Pose or Bidalasana. With the wrists directly beneath the shoulders and the knees beneath the hips, press the palms into the mat to broaden your shoulder blades.

The next pose is the Cat Pose or Bidalasana. With the wrists directly beneath the shoulders and the knees beneath the hips, press the palms into the mat to broaden your shoulder blades.

Next is the Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana. The neck and head are relaxed, the knees bent to start.

Downward Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana is last. Take the palms a little wider than shoulder width, tuck your toes and lift your hips into the air. The chest moves back toward your thighs.

Downward Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana is last. Take the palms a little wider than shoulder width, tuck your toes and lift your hips into the air. The chest moves back toward your thighs.

  • Yoga Mat or Towel