How to do lipsynch performance

Do Lipsynch Performance


Lip-synch is performance in which pre-recorded voice is played whilst actors act or sing along without making any sound themselves. The action of the face/mouth must be perfect to create the effect.

Lip Synch Battle is a TV show that utilises this effect, pitting celebrities against each other, battling to see who can sing a few songs the best in this style. Emphasis is on humour!

Lip Synch Battle is a TV show that utilises this effect, pitting celebrities against each other, battling to see who can sing a few songs the best in this style.  Emphasis is on humour!

Anne Hathaway: Tom Holland:

Then we have Britney Spears who made lip-synching an art form in the 90s and early 2000s. Issues arise here as audiences were not happy about this:

Then we have Britney Spears who made lip-synching an art form in the 90s and early 2000s.  Issues arise here as audiences were not happy about this:

Dickie Beau is an artist who performs cabaret and live art work utilising this feature to high success. His performances can be confronting, entertaining, informative, or simply interesting.

Dickie Beau is an artist who performs cabaret and live art work utilising this feature to high success.  His performances can be confronting, entertaining, informative, or simply interesting.

Dickie Beau 1: Dickie Beau 2:

Task: Use the ALL MESSAGES DELETED section of ATTEMPTS ON HER LIFE. Take a short section of a voicemail. Record yourself (or a partner) saying it. Then work at lip-synching it back.

KEY ISSUES: be sure to express with your whole face throughout; be sure that you are using your voice muscles (throat, mouth, tongue, lips, face) and not just your lips; you will require SEVERAL runs

Perform this for the camera.

  • 1.0 Mobile phone
  • 1.0 recording device (higher quality)
  • 1.0 speaker system