How to do an insane gym ball workout

You've probably got one, deflated and hidden somewhere. Quit hating it. This super hard workout will torch fat while every move will destroy your legs, chest, core, shoulders & arms.


DISCLAIMER: These are intense workouts! Always consult a physician before attempting any new exercise plan. This is a guide. I am not a trainer. I am not responsible for any injury caused. Warm Up.

This a repeating workout, 16 exercises total, twice through. But don't worry, it's a lot of fun. Take a water break whenever you need, but for no longer than 30 seconds. Modify and don't get hurt.

Start with some light cardio, run around the streets, or chase your dog around your back garden. Whatever you do, don't start the workout until you're ready. You should be perspiring a little.

Splitting the atom: Compress the ball, forcing your forearms together. Hold for 2 seconds, release. Repeat 10-15 times.

Splitting the atom: Compress the ball, forcing your forearms together. Hold for 2 seconds, release. Repeat 10-15 times.

TIP: Remember to tighten your core for every move (keep your back straight and contract your abdominal muscles). This is often the key to maintaining correct and safe form.

Take a water break for 1 minute.

Back to work

If this is your 1st round, take 1 minute rest, then go back to the first exercise. If this is your 2nd, see my guide on stretching.

Leave a comment if you tried this workout, make a suggestion, ask a question. Also check out my other fitness guides. Cheers.

  • 1.0 Gym ball and Pump
  • 2.0 Cans of tomatoes (Roma work best).
  • 2.0 Light weights (if you're out of tomatoes)
  • 1.0l Water