How to do an ariel

Do an Ariel


Make sure to stretch before you Ariel and practice a couple of cartwheels first

First open up your mats in the open space that you have. Then back up So that you are off the mat and have some running space.

To start you need to raise your feet with your arms beside yourself

To start you need to raise your feet with your arms beside yourself

Take a step forward and raise your hands in front of you

Take a step forward and raise your hands in front of you

Take one more step and then bend your knees

Take one more step and then bend your knees

Jump up and put your arms to the sky also raise your foot to your knee

Jump up and put your arms to the sky also raise your foot to your knee

As you land whip your arms behind you and whip your legs up

As you land whip your arms behind you and whip your legs up

Remember to split your legs in the air and don't put your hands down

As you land bring your body up

As you land bring your body up

To finish you can do a little rebound jump so you don't fall

To finish you can do a little rebound jump so you don't fall

You will not get air in each time but remember to just keep going and you will keep improving

  • Mats
  • An open space