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Grab your deck of cards
Here is the trick! Here, you take 2 cards, but you make it look like 1! This takes practice, but you can do it!
Flip over the 2 cards and say 'Right, we have the 8 of Hearts' (my example) .
Flip both the cards back down. Remember, it needs to look like 1 card, so look natural and not extremely focused or it will give it away!
Place the card on the top anywhere in the deck, the audience will think this is the 8 of hearts!
Now flip over the top card and amaze them all! Before you flip over the top card, build it up or say some 'magic words'. Just do it in your style!
Thank you for viewing this guide! If you like the trick, please like the guide and follow for more! Let me know in the comments if you performed the trick! 😄✌️