How to do a jazz pirouette

If you are a dancer or want to be one, here is a quick tutorial on a very common dance turn . My friends and I just made this guide for fun so all of our technique may not be perfect.


This is the prep for a pirouette. Bend both legs into a deep pli\u00e9 and make sure to lift the back heel off of the ground.

This is the prep for a pirouette. Bend both legs into a deep plié and make sure to lift the back heel off of the ground.

Next you should practice holding a pass\u00e9 on flat or releve. Point your foot above your knee.

Next you should practice holding a passé on flat or releve. Point your foot above your knee.

Here are some cool turns you can try after learning pirouettes.

Thanks for watching and have a fun time dancing!!!!!

  • Open space
  • Jazz shoes are reccomended
  • Socks will work too