How to do a french braid

Do a French Braid


Brush your hair out really good-no tangles!

Brush your hair out really good-no tangles!

Grab about that amount of hair from the top of your head.

Grab about that amount of hair from the top of your head.

Split that hair into three pieces like a regular braid.

Split that hair into three pieces like a regular braid.

Cross the right piece over the left and then the left over the right just like a regular braid.

Cross the right piece over the left and then the left over the right just like a regular braid.

Add a little piece of hair to the right piece and then cross over.

Add a little piece of hair to the right piece and then cross over.

Then add a little piece of hair to the left side then cross over.

Then add a little piece of hair to the left side then cross over.

Keep doing it.

Keep doing it.

And doing it\u2026

And doing it…

Almost done!

Almost done!

Finished product!

Thanks for viewing this guide! Check out my other guide on a fishtail braid! :) I hope it works!

  • Ponytail holder
  • Brush