How to do a chinstand

Do a Chinstand


Start by stretching out your back because you don't want to pull anything. Try to bend down as far as you can and touch your toes.

Start by stretching out your back because you don't want to pull anything. Try to bend down as far as you can and touch your toes.

Pull your leg across your body and pull it close to you and twist to the back. Also tuck in the leg on the floor.

Pull your leg across your body and pull it close to you and twist to the back. Also tuck in the leg on the floor.

Repeat on the other side.

Repeat on the other side.

Push your legs back straight and arch your back as much as you can.  Try to keep your hips on the ground.

Push your legs back straight and arch your back as much as you can. Try to keep your hips on the ground.

Another stretch is to do a bridge and walk your hands as closest to your feet.

Another stretch is to do a bridge and walk your hands as closest to your feet.

If a regular bridge is to simple, try putting your elbows on the ground for more of a challenge.

If a regular bridge is to simple, try putting your elbows on the ground for more of a challenge.

After you are stretched, get on your knees and sit up straight.

After you are stretched, get on your knees and sit up straight.

Arch back, but not too much and have your hands about next to your knees.

Arch back, but not too much and have your hands about next to your knees.

Do not put your hands near your face, it makes it harder to get your body up.

Do not put your hands near your face, it makes it harder to get your body up.

Arch, and then propel yourself forward, rolling through you body, until your feet are over your head. It might take a few tries at first.

Arch, and then propel yourself forward, rolling through you body, until your feet are over your head. It might take a few tries at first.

If you can propel yourself easily, try bending your legs to try and touch your head. Remember to keep your knees together. Good Luck!!

If you can propel yourself easily, try bending your legs to try and touch your head. Remember to keep your knees together. Good Luck!!

  • A flat surface
  • A somewhat flexible back
  • Leggings, or shorts, no jeans