How to do a basic tarot card reading

A basic three card tarot reading:). I am not a professional so if you have any suggestions let me know! Enjoy


Shuffle your deck while you concentrate on your querent or the querent's question

Shuffle your deck while you concentrate on your querent or the querent's question

When you are done shuffling the deck, pull out the first card that speaks out to you.

When you are done shuffling the deck, pull out the first card that speaks out to you.

The first card you pull out will be the querent's recent past. Which is about a few weeks ago.

The first card you pull out will be the querent's recent past. Which is about a few weeks ago.

If you are unsure of what the card means then look up the meaning of your card in the instruction manual. Trust me as a beginner I had to look up every one. It takes a while before you memorize them

If you are unsure of what the card means then look up the meaning of your card in the instruction manual. Trust me as a beginner I had to look up every one. It takes a while before you memorize them

Repeat the process with two other cards.

Repeat the process with two other cards.

The second card will describe the querent's present conditions.

The second card will describe the querent's present conditions.

The third card will be the querent's near future (in a few weeks).

The third card will be the querent's near future (in a few weeks).

Now don't be frightened if you pull out a card like death. The card always has a deeper meaning to the word on the card so be sure to look it up.

Now don't be frightened if you pull out a card like death. The card always has a deeper meaning to the word on the card so be sure to look it up.

If you are a beginner then you don't have to go buy the exact deck I have. Buy the one that is right for you. There are many to choose from.  Some are more complex than others.

If you are a beginner then you don't have to go buy the exact deck I have. Buy the one that is right for you. There are many to choose from. Some are more complex than others.

There are many different card spreads too so if you do not like the three card reading be sure to check out more online or in books.

I hope you liked it and good luck! \ud83c\udf40

I hope you liked it and good luck! 🍀

  • A Deck of tarot cards (I use the thoth tarot)
  • 1.0 A querent ( the person you ate giving the reading