How to dive a mixed number by a mixed number.

Dive a Mixed Number by a Mixed Number.


We are going to learn how to divide a mixed number by a mixed number. We are going to use 3 6/7 and 4 5/12.

First multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator on to your answer. The answer to this step is 27/7 divided by 53/12.

First multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator on to your answer. The answer to this step is 27/7 divided by 53/12.

Now you are going to flip the fraction on the right.

Now you are going to flip the fraction on the right.

Then change you operation to multiplication and multiply the 2 fractions together. That equals 324/371. You then would reduce but it can not be reduced.

Then change you operation to multiplication and multiply the 2 fractions together. That equals 324/371. You then would reduce but it can not be reduced.

So your answer is just 324/371.

So your answer is just 324/371.

  • Pencil- Whiteboard Marker
  • Paper- whiteboard