How to dissect fruit

dis·sect/diˈsekt/ Verb: Methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts. Analyze (something) in minute detail.


Place Pawpaw and Knife on Cutting Board

Place Pawpaw and Knife on Cutting Board

Pawpaw cut into 4 Quarters

Pawpaw cut into 4 Quarters

Scrape off the Pips

Scrape off the Pips

Cut the Pawpaw diagonally both ways as shown in the Photo. Tip: Use a blunt table setting knife to avoid cutting through the Skin.

Cut the Pawpaw diagonally both ways as shown in the Photo. Tip: Use a blunt table setting knife to avoid cutting through the Skin.

2 options: 1. Squeeze the lemon on to the Pawpaw. Add sugar (optional). Eat the Pawpaw with a spoon. 2. Lift the segments off the skin with a spoon & put them in a dessert plate. Add condiments.

This is Option 2. Add other fruit, muesli, honey, milk to suit your taste.

This is Option 2. Add other fruit, muesli, honey, milk to suit your taste.

Pawpaw, Banana, Double Cream Greek Yoghurt, Toasted Muesli, Honey and Milk

  • 1.0 Pawpaw
  • 1.0 Cutting board
  • 1.0 Knife (not too sharp)
  • 1/4 Lemon