How to disassemble an ikea aspelund bed frame
How to disassemble IKEA Aspelund bed frame. Just follow steps backwards to reassemble.
This is a completely assembled bed with mattress on the bed frame
This is the bed frame without the mattress. Notice the wooden slats act as the box spring.
Remove the mattress from the bed frame. It's a Sealy Backsaver Plush mattress in this case
The wooden slats come off. There are two pieces.
The wooden slats are completely off.
The slats are pushed together by tension of these steel rods. Remove the Philips screw holding them to the central beam.
This shows one of the rods removed. These rods look like they don't do much but the prevent the wooden slats from falling off the frame via tension.
This is another rod removed. There are 3 rods in this frame. The 4th one is missing but is unnecessary.
The central beam can just be lifted off from its bracket and removed. See here the beam is on the floor
Use a hex screwdriver to remove 4 long screws that connect each of the four corners.
See here for the screw to remove. Righty tighty lefty loosey
This is the damaged leg but notice there is no issues with removing that screw either. Do this screw removal to the opposite side. There are only 4 long screws to remove.
When screw is removed, simply pull the headboard from the side panel
Pull side panel from footboard also. Notice the wooden pegs that help support the side panel. Don't lose them.
The other side removed.
The completely disassembled bed frame
One last thing. Don't lose this metal screw hole where the long dark screws go into. They may fall out during transport.
- 1.0 Hex wrench
- 1.0 Phillips screwdriver