How to disable wifi auto connect on iphone

This guide is to disable the wifi option which makes your phone try to connect to any open network . Disabling this option also saves you some battery as the phone isn't trying to constantly connect


Tap on settings

Tap on settings

Tap on wifi

Tap on wifi

Turn off ask to join, this will stop your iPhone from trying to connect to any network and will save you some battery

Turn off ask to join, this will stop your iPhone from trying to connect to any network and will save you some battery

If there is a network your phone has already joined and you want to get rid of  tap on its name, for the sake of this guide I will delete the orange network

If there is a network your phone has already joined and you want to get rid of tap on its name, for the sake of this guide I will delete the orange network

Tap on forget this network, this is it this network won't bother you anymore and your phone will only connect to your chosen networks. Enjoy

  • iPhone