How to dice vegetables

Dice Vegetables


First, gather all of your materials!

First, gather all of your materials!

Next, make sure to wash all of the vegetables!

Next, make sure to wash all of the vegetables!

Use your paring knife to cut the vegetables in half.

Use your paring knife to cut the vegetables in half.

Still using the paring knife, cut perpendicular to the slices previously cut.

Still using the paring knife, cut perpendicular to the slices previously cut.

Now use a chefs knife and cut perpendicular to the last slices so that the cubes are about 1/4 in. squares.

Now use a chefs knife and cut perpendicular to the last slices so that the cubes are about 1/4 in. squares.

Repeat these steps with the rest of the vegetables you would like to cut.

Repeat these steps with the rest of the vegetables you would like to cut.

Lastly, be sure to clean off all countertops and materials used during the dicing!

Lastly, be sure to clean off all countertops and materials used during the dicing!

  • Cutting Board
  • Desired Vegetables
  • Chef's Knife
  • Paring Knife