How to dehydrate tomatoes in a combi oven

Dehydrate Tomatoes in a Combi Oven


Use tomato slicer (shown Nemco Easy Tomato Slicer) to cut tomatoes evenly.

Use tomato slicer (shown Nemco Easy Tomato Slicer) to cut tomatoes evenly.

Place sliced tomatoes in a single layer on SIL pad on baking sheet.

Place sliced tomatoes in a single layer on SIL pad on baking sheet.

Put Combi Oven in dehydrate mode and place tomatoes in oven.   Leave over night.

Put Combi Oven in dehydrate mode and place tomatoes in oven. Leave over night.

Pull tomatoes from oven and enjoy.   Use as a garnish or grind into a seasoning powder. Enjoy!

Pull tomatoes from oven and enjoy. Use as a garnish or grind into a seasoning powder. Enjoy!

  • 1.0lb Tomatoes (any variety)