How to decore with hot glue

Decore With Hot Glue




Design and print the figures.

Design and print the figures.

Place the acetate paper above the print.

Place the acetate paper above the print.

With the hot glue gun follow the design.

With the hot glue gun follow the design.



Then push the little trigger  to spread more glue inside the frame you've already done.

Then push the little trigger to spread more glue inside the frame you've already done.

That's how should look like. This is just a guide, you could fill it as you like.

That's how should look like. This is just a guide, you could fill it as you like.

Start to unstick, use your nails or the border of a table.

Start to unstick, use your nails or the border of a table.

It should be like this.

It should be like this.

Place the stars in a place which you could use the spray paint.

Place the stars in a place which you could use the spray paint.

Ready to paint!!!

Ready to paint!!!

Let dry.

Let dry.

To hang the stars cut some transparent thread.

To hang the stars cut some transparent thread.

Tie the thread up in the star.

Tie the thread up in the star.

Cut the leftover.

Cut the leftover.

Almost done.

Almost done.

This could be an option.

This could be an option.

Other designs. Enjoy!!!😊

  • Hot glue
  • Hot glue gun
  • Acetate paper
  • Spray paint
  • Transparent thread
  • Scissors