How to decorate your room your way

Decorate Your Room Your Way


THINK: what are my favorite colors?

If you have a fav color, mine are cyan and lime green, than that should be the color of walls and decor! I suggest using only up to three colors two prime and one secondary

If you are using two colors one being prime and one secondary, but try using them pretty equal

THINK: do I like a certain pattern?

If so, use that pattern in your decor (bed cover, sheets, comforter, lamps, tables, ect.) or as a secondary color/pattern

I like blue. So my rooms color scheme is turquoise and brown (turquoise prime, brown second) I have no specific pattern except for stripes and swirls on only some decor

See? My decor is very plain and simple but the colors and decor fit my personality

I personalized my room with colors and accented touches. My design is elegant but modern. See what you can do with just a few little projects and paint

It can also be dirt cheap (shhh) but look so chic no one will notice! There is so much detail that can go into personalizing a bedroom or office! (Or any room for that matter)

THINK: do I want western, city chic, or old fashioned/antique?

Another thing that can help you is genre. What type you want depends on what you like or what your like. Creativity comes from inside you!

Anything can inspire you, just look around! Anyway, I hope this helped. Until next time, this has been reality with remedy! Lol I'm joking! Bye guys! Thanx for checking this out!

Ask if you need an inspiration jump start! I could use some followers too! As I was reading over this, it kinda sounded lame, but I hope you enjoyed it!

  • Creativity