How to decorate a christmas tree like a department store

It's that time of year again! How do those department stores make those trees look so great? Here's how we prepare our tree.


Right out of the box, this tree is quite sad.

Right out of the box, this tree is quite sad.

Let's fluff up these branches.

Let's fluff up these branches.

Pull all branches toward you.

Pull all branches toward you.

All the way to the inside.

All the way to the inside.

Now separate little branches into a more realistic appearance.

Now separate little branches into a more realistic appearance.

Working your way towards you.

Working your way towards you.

Like so. See how there is one to the left, one up the middle, then one to the right?

Like so. See how there is one to the left, one up the middle, then one to the right?

Continue to the end leaving the last branch straight out.

Continue to the end leaving the last branch straight out.

Like so.

Like so.

See this branch is all fluffed out.

See this branch is all fluffed out.

Now move on to the next branch.

Now move on to the next branch.

Continue until you get to the top part that is all mushed together.

Continue until you get to the top part that is all mushed together.

Again go deep inside feel for bottom branch. Fluff the same way but fluffing up instead of toward you.

Again go deep inside feel for bottom branch. Fluff the same way but fluffing up instead of toward you.

Working you way up.

Working you way up.

Stand back and look. Did I miss a limb? Did I fluff the right way? If not fix it.

Stand back and look. Did I miss a limb? Did I fluff the right way? If not fix it.

Big difference!

Big difference!

Turn on the lights. Ready for decorations.

Turn on the lights. Ready for decorations.

Starting at the top, choose your ribbon and anchor to top branch.

Starting at the top, choose your ribbon and anchor to top branch.

Now you loop the ribbon or place in curve.

Now you loop the ribbon or place in curve.

Employ some helpers..

Employ some helpers..

Now check for holes in branches. Place solid color ornaments into those holes hanging on limb on inside of tree.

Now check for holes in branches. Place solid color ornaments into those holes hanging on limb on inside of tree.

Then hang more decorative ornaments on outer edge. You can see the solid ball in background.

Then hang more decorative ornaments on outer edge. You can see the solid ball in background.

See? Enjoy!

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