How to deal with damp walls in spanish houses
Ever lived in a hot country where the buildings just can't cope with rain and damp? Find out how to deal with this persistent problem in an alternative way. .
Damp and the Tao of D. I. Y .....oooh nasty!
I've lived all across this country and in every dwelling - whether it be a coastal flat, an inner city bedsit or a country farm - water has caused problems of damp in every room.
People have suggested special paints that hold it back.
Tiling the wall ( to push it next door). Nice idea, but what if next door is YOUR bedroom?
Others have suggested covering the wall with tin foil, glued to the surface and painting over the foil! I'm a bit baffled by that one.
Well in this guide, I am going to show you how to resolve the issue in just a few short minutes using an old method called the Tao of Dampness.
First you need a scraper or a stiff brush.
Scrape away the flaking paint.
It's better than letting it just fall on the dogs head or rub off on a passing guest. And hey, look what a nice pattern is forming!
Scoop up all the fallen damp paint into a scoopy thing. Deposit in bin, otherwise the dog may lick it up.
Repeat every month. Before doing so, breathe deeply and maintain a good posture.
Think about all the effort and expense you are saving in not buying chemical paints, not arguing with neighbours about damp origins, or employing builders to resolve the problem in the short term.
Water needs to come out. If its falling, let it fall. If its rising, let it rise. Just Let it out.
Let water do its thing. It will be happier. You will be less stressed. And Visitors will be entertained by a constantly shifting series of pattern on your walls.
Resign yourself to natures course and follow The Tao of the Damp Path:
- Scraper
- 1.0 Brush
- 1.0 Scooper thingy
- 1.0 Bin
- 1.0gal Infinite patience
- 1.0pch Resignation
- 1.0yd Patchy sense of design
Paul Read
Author, podcaster, photographer, teacher of languages and Tai Chi. Known in Spain and on the web as the GazpachoMonk.
Loja, Andalucia, Spain
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