Start with shampoo. I like VO5 Shea and cashmere shampoo.
Rinse thoroughly. Next is conditioner. I use only a little bit because I have relatively short hair, but most people use a good amount. Make sure to get from your roots to your tips.
Don't rinse the conditioner out yet. Leave it in for now, and start on your body. Take this time to shave, if needed. If not, go straight to body wash. I love the Body Shop's atlas mountain rose
Shower gel. Once you're done with that and you've rinsed all the soap off, take your brush and gently comb through your hair while it is under the water. This helps with tangles and gets the
Conditioner out. Now take your face wash. I use the Body Shop's vitamin e cream cleanser because it also helps take off any remainders of your makeup. Before rinsing your face, turn the shower down
So only the cold is running. Wash your face under the cold water to close your now clean pores and turn off the shower.
- VO5 Shea and cashmere moisturizing shampoo
- TRESemmè remoisturize conditioner
- Body shop atlas mountain rose shower gel
- Body shop vitamin e cream cleanser
- Brush
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