How to cut holes in tee shirts

Cut Holes in Tee Shirts


To start grab small scissors to make small holes.

To start grab small scissors to make small holes.

To make the small holes grab a very small section of the shirt. Put your hand under the shirt where you want to cut it. Then pock the sharp part of the scissors through a little bit.

To make the small holes grab a very small section of the shirt. Put your hand under the shirt where you want to cut it. Then pock the sharp part of the scissors through a little bit.

If you want to make the small hole bigger, you can pock your finger through the hole.

If you want to make the small hole bigger, you can pock your finger through the hole.

To make big holes take the big scissors and grab a part of the shirt where you want the whole to be. Hold the scissors up right and on the spot where you want the whole, then cut.

To make big holes take the big scissors and grab a part of the shirt where you want the whole to be. Hold the scissors up right and on the spot where you want the whole, then cut.

If you want to the holes to look even better,pull on the shirt in both directions around the hole.

If you want to the holes to look even better,pull on the shirt in both directions around the hole.

You can also add some extra detail to your shirt by cutting the collar, bottom, and sleeves. To cut the collar use the small scissors, you can cut a little bit of the collar or the whole collar.

You can also add some extra detail to your shirt by cutting  the collar, bottom, and sleeves. To cut the collar use the small scissors, you can cut a little bit of the collar or the whole collar.

To cut the sleeves of the shirt use the large scissors. You can cut as much of the sleeves as you want.

To cut the sleeves of the shirt use the large scissors. You can cut as much of the sleeves as you want.

Cut the bottom of the shirt use the large scissors and have someone else pull on the other end of the shirt so your cut will be even. Once you are done you pull on both ends so the tee will roll.

Cut the bottom of the shirt use the large scissors and have someone else pull on the other end of the shirt so your cut will be even. Once you are done you pull on both ends so the tee will roll.

Now you have made a boring shirt cool and you didn't have to spend a lot of money. Enjoy:)

  • Tee shirt
  • Large scissors
  • Small scissors