How to cut a watermelon the easy way

Cut a Watermelon the Easy Way


Start by cutting your whole watermelon in quarters. (Half lenghwise half crosswise)

Start by cutting your whole watermelon in quarters. (Half lenghwise half crosswise)

Cut strips/sections all the way down. Be sure to start At the very edge near the white part so that each piece can easily be released. Cut all the way through.

Cut strips/sections all the way down. Be sure to start At the very edge near the white part so that each piece can easily be released. Cut all the way through.

See how far my knife sticks in and how far down I cut. This ensure each piece comes put and the melon is cut throughout.

See how far my knife sticks in and how far down I cut. This ensure each piece comes put and the melon is cut throughout.

Then cut strips crosswise to make cubes.

Then cut strips crosswise to make cubes.

At last, take your knife and cut the last section. You can turn the melon on its side to make this easier. Push the knife all the way in to get the pieces in the back.

At last, take your knife and cut the last section. You can turn the melon on its side to make this easier. Push the knife all the way in to get the pieces in the back.

Now you can easily remove your pieces and they will be nice thick chunks. If you did this right, then they should all come out by just picking with your hands.

Now you can easily remove your pieces and they will be nice thick chunks. If you did this right, then they should all come out by just picking with your hands.

What's left it usually the watermelon right along the white part. It's usually tasteless but if you want just scoop it out and eat it before discarding.

  • Watermelon
  • Sharp knife