How to curl your hair- the prairie way.

Curl Your Hair- the Prairie Way.


Cut your strips of fabric. (I just used a sleeve of one of my dad's old shirts.)

Cut your strips of fabric. (I just used a sleeve of one of my dad's old shirts.)

Brush your hair

Brush your hair

Spray it all over.

Spray it all over.

Part your hair where you will want it tomorrow.

Part your hair where you will want it tomorrow.

Brush again

Brush again

Section off your hair into layers and small sections.

Section off your hair into layers and small sections.

Place your fabric behind your hair.

Place your fabric behind your hair.

Wrap the ends around the middle of the strip.

Wrap the ends around the middle of the strip.

Roll it up all the way as much as you can.

Roll it up all the way as much as you can.

Take the ends of the fabric

Take the ends of the fabric

Tie them in a knot.

Tie them in a knot.

Front view.

Front view.

Side view.

Side view.

Side view.

Side view.

*Optional: pin each knot in place.* Spray each knot with water. Leave it in overnight.

Grrr I ran out of room. Just take out all of the pins, untie your fabric.

Grrr I ran out of room. Just take out all of the pins, untie your fabric.

Take it and pull down

Take it and pull down

If it won't slide off easily, you can just unroll it.

If it won't slide off easily, you can just unroll it.

Wacky shaped curl soooo...

Wacky shaped curl soooo...

You can pull it

You can pull it

Or twist it around your finger until it's the shape you want.

Or twist it around your finger until it's the shape you want.

Enjoy your new dreadlocks. Just kidding. Now you can brush or comb them or stretch them.

Enjoy your new dreadlocks. Just kidding. Now you can brush or comb them or stretch them.

What I think is funny about this is that my hair is usually as long as where my hand is!!!!

What I think is funny about this is that my hair is usually as long as where my hand is!!!!

Yes. I brushed it. It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! Lol. But that's how I like it. I'm going to pin it back though! ( I like it because my hair has ZERO volume, unless I curl it. Lol)

Yes. I brushed it. It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! Lol. But that's how I like it. I'm going to pin it back though! ( I like it because my hair has ZERO volume, unless I curl it. Lol)

Which one.....?

Which one.....?

I went with the bow.

Ta da! All finished! Please like, comment, and follow! If you follow, I'll give u a shoutout on Monday! Bye!!!!

Ta da! All finished! Please like, comment, and follow! If you follow, I'll give u a shoutout on Monday! Bye!!!!

  • Several strips of fabric
  • Hairbrush
  • Water/spray bottle
  • Bobby pins (optional)