How to create the pattern drawing for general drawing

Create the Pattern Drawing for General Drawing


Cut a shape from a magazine.

Cut a shape from a magazine.

Begin tracing your shape with 4H pencil to create a pattern of your choice.

Begin tracing your shape with 4H pencil to create a pattern of your choice.

Fill the whole page.

Fill the whole page.

Start defining the spaces of you pattern with 4B graphite.

Start defining the spaces of you pattern with 4B graphite.

Continue to define your pattern with different shades of gray. Blend the graphite to create a uniform gray.

Ta Da! Craftsmanship goes a long way on this assignment.

Ta Da! Craftsmanship goes a long way on this assignment.

Each shape is defined with a different value.

Each shape is defined with a different value.

This guide is for my students at Wright College, Chicago, IL, USA. Enjoy!

  • 18 x 24" drawing paper
  • 4H pencil
  • 4B pencil
  • 4B graphite stick
  • Erasers
  • Magazines