How to create stringy distressed denim!

Distress your denim the right way!


You can use any denim you'd like. For an example, I used shorts.

You can use any denim you'd like. For an example, I used shorts.

Take your scissors and cut two lines. Make sure you leave a good amount of space between the lines as shown above.

Take your scissors and cut two lines. Make sure you leave a good amount of space between the lines as shown above.

Start filing the cuts on the denim with your nail filer. File top and bottom.

Start filing the cuts on the denim with your nail filer. File top and bottom.

Now take your tweezers and pull off a string from the cut. It'll take a few tries but once you get one, they'll all be easy to come off. Tip: start in the center.

Now take your tweezers and pull off a string from the cut. It'll take a few tries but once you get one, they'll all be easy to come off. Tip: start in the center.

Pulling a few denim strings will look like this.

Pulling a few denim strings will look like this.

TA-DA! Let's add a few more.

TA-DA! Let's add a few more.

Do the same technique again. It's better to continue on to where you started off.

Do the same technique again. It's better to continue on to where you started off.

You're doing it right if you have a mess like this, haha.

You're doing it right if you have a mess like this, haha.

Look how stringy it is!

Look how stringy it is!

I kept adding more until I reached a desirable amount of distress.

I kept adding more until I reached a desirable amount of distress.

Don't forget to file the area shown above!

Don't forget to file the area shown above!

Even the little corners!

Even the little corners!

End result. Stringy distressed denim! Once you're completed don't forget to wash them. Washing them adds more fringe. Hope you enjoyed my guide! :)

Check out my store for these levi's! & follow me on instagram if you'd like! @samanthaherreraa THANKS! :)

  • 1.0 Denim jeans/shorts
  • 1.0 Scissors
  • 1.0 Tweezers
  • 1.0 Nail filer