How to create slime with toothpaste

Create Slime With Toothpaste


Gather all of your materials

Gather all of your materials

Add four spoons of glue to the bowl

Add four spoons of glue to the bowl

Pour the glue into the bowl

Pour the glue into the bowl

Add two spoons of sugar to the bowl of glue

Add two spoons of sugar to the bowl of glue

Add toothpaste to the bowl

Add toothpaste to the bowl

Start mixing all of the ingredients together

Start mixing all of the ingredients together

Add water to the bowl while mixing

Add water to the bowl while mixing

Add dye to it

Add dye to it

Mix the dye in with the slime

Mix the dye in with the slime

Add some beads, have fun, and enjoy it!!!

  • 4 Spoons full of glue
  • Spoon full of sugar
  • 4 spoons of toothpaste
  • 5 spoons of water
  • A bowl
  • 2 drops of dye