How to create perfect red lips

Its so easy to go wrong with red lips, yet its so easy to go right with red lips! Heres how i create my perfect red lips! XxXx


Start with clean, moisturised lips. It helps to exfoliate them before to reduce the amount of dead skin cells and help blood circulation.

Start with clean, moisturised lips. It helps to exfoliate them before to reduce the amount of dead skin cells and help blood circulation.

Gently draw on the edge of your lips, using small strokes. (sorry for the state of the pencil) :P x

Gently draw on the edge of your lips, using small strokes. (sorry for the state of the pencil) :P x

Now colour in your lips with the liner.

Now colour in your lips with the liner.

Now take your red lipstick and a lip brush.

Now take your red lipstick and a lip brush.

Now colour in your lips.

Blot your lips on a clean piece of tissue.

Blot your lips on a clean piece of tissue.

And your done!

And your done!

I hope that helped! Please comment and message me with guide ideas and questions! Much love! Elisa xxx P.s. check out my 'rock chic hair' guide for the hairstyle pictured here!

I hope that helped! Please comment and message me with guide ideas and questions! Much love! Elisa xxx P.s. check out my 'rock chic hair' guide for the hairstyle pictured here!

Add me! Instagram: ELISAJPS Kik: Elisa1207

  • 1.0 Lip liner
  • 1.0 Lipstick
  • 1.0 Tissue
  • 1.0 Lip brush
  • 2.0 Lips!