How to create one of a kind lasagna
I like to browse recipes and combine what i like from each to create something all my own. This tutorial will explain how to assemble lasagna.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil then add lasagna noodles. Cook pasta to aldente; not cooked all the way, still gummy. The pasta will Finnish in the oven, and absorb excess liquid.
While the pasta is boiling do other tasks like brown any meat you might be using.
Grate your cheeses.
Mix ricotta. I mixed in egg, garlic salt, pepper, and italian seasoning. Lastly, I added a bit of grated Parmesan cheese. Mix until combined.
Put your first layer of pasta down, be sure to overlap slightly. The pasta is sticky and this will allow them to hold together well.
Add ingredients: first, ricotta mixture. Second, sauce and lastly the cheese unless your recipe specifies otherwise.
After your layer is assembled add a layer of pasta in an alternating direction again overlapping the pasta slightly. Lay pasta in this alternating pattern for each layer you make.
When you reach the top of your pan do another layer. The lasagna will settle and be thinner after baking.
When you have finished your final layer add a layer of pasta and smear on some sauce and lastly cheese.
I like to assemble my lasagna in the morning. I just cover it and place it in the refrigerator until it's time to bake for dinner.
Before baking cover with tin foil. I am out of foil so I'm using a cookie sheet. Pre heat oven to 350. Bake the lasagna for about an hour. Toward the end, remove the foil and allow to brown.
This is my lasagna when I removed the pan. It has been in the oven for 30 minutes.
I let it cook for 20 minutes uncovered in order to brown.
Here is my finished product.
- Recipe(s)
- Pan to assemble and bake lasagna in.
- Large pot to boil pasta in.
Dina Jeffcoat
Stay at home mom of 2 boys who excels at cooking and DIY (preferably with up-cycled materials)
Draper, Utah
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