What is Mood? How can you create it? And why is it important?
Mood:In art appreciation, the general atmosphere, or state of mind and feelings, that a work of art generates. For example, the mood of a painting could be disturbing or tranquil, dark or energetic.
How can you create it? Color is one of the most effective ways to create a mood in a work of art.
Picasso is known for creating a distinct mood during his "blue period". How do you think the artist felt about life when he was painting this portrait? Why?
Distinct value contrasts in this monochromatic (one color) color scheme effectively convey a mood and atmosphere to this painting. Why is value important when creating a mood or emotion to art?
Edward Hopper used strong values to create a mood and theme that was prevalent throughout all his work that reflected the time in which he created them, the industrial era and Great Depression.
Many times he used only three distinct values. Can you separate the three main values? Why do you think he did this?
What do you think this woman is thinking? What are some emotions that you feel when you look at this painting?
Create a dialogue between these two characters using the setting, colors, body language and other clues to decide what might be happening here.
What does color mean to you? Are there different emotions for different colors?
Pick four emotions and create four different color swatches that communicate that emotion. Texture, line, pattern and value can also be used to help convey your message.
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