How to create monkey nail art

Create Monkey Nail Art


Let's start with our colors.

Let's start with our colors.

Brush and acetone for cleaning up your shapes, and dotting tool for, well, dots.

Brush and acetone for cleaning up your shapes, and dotting tool for, well, dots.

Paint nails a solid dark brown. On the accent nail of your choice ( I chose my ring finger) paint an oval, leaving a big gap before your cuticle. I forgot to do that part, so...

Paint nails a solid dark brown. On the accent nail of your choice ( I chose my ring finger) paint an oval, leaving a big gap before your cuticle. I forgot to do that part, so...

...using the brush and acetone, clean out the gap. This is also useful if you don't think you can perfect the shape freehand. Don't feel bad if you can't. It's not easy. And don't mind my hangnail...

...using the brush and acetone, clean out the gap. This is also useful if you don't think you can perfect the shape freehand. Don't feel bad if you can't. It's not easy. And don't mind my hangnail...

Using your dotting tool, dot on some ears.

Using your dotting tool, dot on some ears.

Using your tan color, dot the inside of the ears, and paint in a smaller half-oval for the mouth. Brace yourself... this is done freehand. You can clean up the edges with the dark brown.

Using your tan color, dot the inside of the ears, and paint in a smaller half-oval for the mouth. Brace yourself... this is done freehand. You can clean up the edges with the dark brown.

With the dark brown, dot on two wee little nostrils.

With the dark brown, dot on two wee little nostrils.

Using your dotting tool, use white to dot on eyes.

Using your dotting tool, use white to dot on eyes.

And then add some pupils with black.

And then add some pupils with black.

Add a top coat, and you're done!

Disclaimer: This is not an original design. Found it on the web.

  • Dark brown polish
  • Black polish
  • 1.0 White polish
  • 1.0 Light brown polish
  • 1.0 Top coat
  • 1.0 Dotting tool or Bobbi pin
  • 1.0 Short stiff brush
  • 1.0 Acetone